Irritable bowel syndrome

Find out how IBS is diagnosed and managed

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterised by a change in how the bowel is working, often resulting in constipation and/or diarrhoea, and the presence of abdominal pain. Other symptoms include abdominal bloating, an urgent need to go to the toilet and a feeling of incomplete emptying when opening your bowels.

IBS can be triggered by different causes, such as:

Gut infections
Bowel muscle, nerve or connective tissue defects
Adverse reaction to certain foods
Stress and anxiety

The exceptional screening facilities at London Digestive Centre mean our LDH consultants have access to a range of diagnostic tests for patients with IBS symptoms.

Tests include:

Blood tests
A colonoscopy or gastroscopy to look directly into the stomach and large bowel
CT or MRI scans to assess your abdomen

What treatment options are available for IBS?

There are a range of treatment options available to help manage IBS, particularly dietary changes which your LDH dietitian can recommend after we have identified foods that trigger your condition. Medications that slow the bowel down (for diarrhoea), or speed the bowel up (laxatives, for constipation) can also be helpful.

Whilst this is not always easy to achieve, reducing life stresses can have a positive impact on IBS symptoms. Your LDH consultant will discuss this in detail with you, including alternative therapy options such as hypnotherapy and acupuncture.

Contact us

If you have any questions about London Digestive Health, you can get in touch with us by phone or email. We'll be happy to answer any questions and can also help you book an appointment.



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