Endoscopic ultrasound

An endoscopic ultrasound emits ultrasound waves to create detailed images of the digestive tract.

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is carried out using a thin endoscope that houses an ultrasound probe within the tip. It is usually performed under conscious sedation, and allows detailed imaging of the walls of the upper gastro intestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach and duodenum), as well as those structures lying immediately outside the gut (lymph nodes, pancreas, bile ducts and liver).


EUS is often used to further investigate pancreatic masses or cysts, where it is possible to acquire tissue from the abnormal area with a technique known as fine needle aspiration (FNA), enabling an accurate diagnosis. It can also be used to stage certain cancers and treat the pain caused by both benign and malignant disease of the pancreas (coeliac plexus block).

What happens during your procedure?

The procedure is performed as a day case, is relatively low risk and takes approximately 30 minutes.

If a longer EUS is planned or indeed if you feel anxious about the test, it can be carried out under a general anaesthetic or deep conscious sedation with the help of an anaesthetist.

Contact us

If you have any questions about London Digestive Health, you can get in touch with us by phone or email. We'll be happy to answer any questions and can also help you book an appointment.


Email: ldh@hcahealthcare.co.uk

Call:  020 7616 7645
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